Condemn Travel Bans and All Measures Restricting Human Rights Defenders

Rachel has issued the following response to constituents who have contacted her about condemning travel bans and all measures restricting human rights.

I note various concerns raised and can confirm that nationals or citizens of Israel, who hold a full Israeli passport, do not require a visa to come to the UK as a visitor or for short-term study for less than six months. Holders of Palestinian travel documents require a visa to come to the UK for any purpose in the Immigration Rules.

I am aware that the Government regularly reviews the visa system. It is important to note that visa regimes are imposed and removed on the basis of the risk that the country's citizens pose to the UK.

Therefore, individuals must fulfil a range of criteria before being granted entry to, or leave to remain in, the UK. As there are multiple kinds of visa, these criteria can differ, but common requirements include the ability to support oneself, a good knowledge of the English language and the absence of particular criminal convictions.

Each application is carefully considered on its individual merits, and where it is found that individuals are worthy applicants, their application is considered accordingly.

I am pleased that the Home Office considers all visa applications on an individual basis, and I am aware that under Paragraph 320 of the Immigration Rules it is possible for someone to be refused entry to the UK where the Secretary of State has personally directed that this would be conducive to the public good. Such a decision can be made on the basis of a given person's background, behaviour, character, conduct or associations and the Home Secretary may take into account any previous criminal history or travel bans, the individual's effect on public order, and whether or not they pose a threat to national security.

As such, past usage of this power has been upheld in UK courts, but it should never be used lightly, and must be balanced against the right to freedom of speech.

Date published: 17 January 2018.

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